“With Firefly I can help more patients with a wide variety of health issues in much less time.”
Dr. Martin Bales

Firefly: Powerful Multi-Spectral Photobiomodulation Therapy
As a Photobiomodulation product the benefits are well known and accepted by the FDA to reduce pain and inflammation and increase circulation. These products are considered safe and effective and are no longer under device regulations such as 510Ks. (Link)
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How is Firefly Light Therapy Different from Traditional LEDs or Lasers?
You may already own an LED or Laser but see how it compares to Firefly:
1. The Power:
37,710 milliwatts of power to be exact.
2. The Depth:
Firefly reaches up to 8″ into the body.
3. It’s Multi-Spectral:
8 different wavelengths can be used in any combination.
4. It’s Programmable:Combine the Firefly Clinic Pro with the F-Scan to obtain issue or health concern frequencies that are then applied to the client.
5. It’s Affordable:We want Firefly Light Therapy in every Functional and Integrative clinic so we’re keeping the price very competitive to any comparable device (and there truly isn’t any comparable device.)

“My husband and I have a neuro-developmental optometric practice in Birmingham, Alabama. Since acquiring Firefly in March of 2020, our experience with this modality opened our eyes (pun intended) to the wide variety of individuals who could be treated. Firefly helped us develop a new division for our practice since our patient population exploded due to word-of-mouth referrals, and the cost of the unit was recouped within months. The ability to provide such a powerful treatment modality for our patients has been phenomenal. We are profoundly grateful to Bales Photonics for engineering this system.” Dr. Sharon L. Snider, OD, FCOVD
Developmental Optometrist, Snider Therapy Centers, Inc.
Photobiomodulation is the latest in multi-spectrum LED light therapy and is considered as a General Health and wellness Product by the new FDA guidelines. (FDA guidelines)
Exciting data from current clinical studies indicate that Bales Photonics Firefly Light Therapy will become a valuable Product in your effort to improve Health and wellness. Additionally, extensive proof exists documenting the effectiveness of this product to encourage a healthy lifestyle that includes the use of Photobiomodulation…the application of light wavelengths to areas of the body with health issues or concerns.
Research has shown that with the use of this multi-spectrum technology, the Firefly, has a positive impact on a number of health related issues and conditions such as pain relief from all types of inflammatory issues and injuries.
F-scan and function generator
With the addition of the F-scan and function generator to the Pro Firefly model you gain a powerful and accurate new way to obtain issue or health concern frequencies that are then sent to the Firefly to be applied to the client. This is a more focused approach to the application of blue, red and infrared wavelengths to support a healthy lifestyle related to an issue or condition. (Pubmed.gov study)
Firefly is a healthy lifestyle choice- to help living well with various chronic conditions such as arthritis. The Firefly utilizes a powerful wave of light applied to the skin which reaches soft tissue injuries, reduces pain, and inflammation. Additionally, research demonstrates increased blood circulation with application of photobiomodulation allowing the body to heal itself without drugs or surgery. (See the results)
Firefly increases ATP and decreases inflammation at a cellular level to assist a variety of conditions.